ESG Management > Human rights management

Human rights management

Human rights management

Human rights management principles of Shinhwa Logistics Service

Shinhwa Logistics Service defines the responsibility to respect human rights in order to improve human dignity and value in all business activities, and present the principles of human rights management as follows.

10 Principles of UN Global Compact

UNGC is a voluntary international agreement on corporate social responsibility (CSR) launched in July 2000, led by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. In business activities, it has at its core the adherence to the ten principles of pro-human rights, labor and anti-discrimination, eco-friendliness, and anti-corruption.

Human rights management and Shinhwa Logistics Service

“Human rights management” is to prevent the occurrence of human rights violations by organizations (corporations) and to conduct human rights-friendly management activities. The “Company and Human Rights Implementation Guidelines (UNGP)” adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011 are applied to the overall business management. As the first step in establishing a human rights management system, Shinhwa Logistics Service established human rights principles and conducted human rights education, thereby forming a consensus on the importance of human rights. In the future, we will build a human rights management system that protects the human rights of all stakeholders, including our employees and business partners.